Hollywood Blog

Think Positively - That's What HJ Whitley Did!

One of HJ Whitley's favorite sayings was "those who think they can and those who think they can't are both right. Be the one who thinks he can." People who practice thinking positively, physically reshape their brain by changing what they think. Research has shown that thinking positively, physically grows new neurons in the left pre-frontal cortex of your brain, and boost your ability to see alternative solutions. That increases your chances of making better choices and being more successful.
Tap your forehead above the left eyebrow. That's where a lot of your positive possibilities get there start. The correct self-talk grows more neurons there.
Smarter than a Gorrilla
If your self talk is positive, you're not only wiring in new neural pathways that change how you feel, how you look at life, and how successful you're going to be at just about anything; you're changing the structure of your brain in the right way. What are you going to do today to reshape your brain? How are you going to make your life more positive?