“The rap of L.A. is that it presumably has no past, and we’re here to say that Whitley Heights is a very real part of L.A.’s past.”

H. J. Whitley placed electrical lines and utilities in underground conduits, another novel concept for the times, as well as original street lamps, function as they did in the late 1920’s. Preservation is taken seriously by Whitley Heights residents. “People up here have a sense of history outside themselves and feel they have an obligation to the future of the community,” said resident Dave Heckman. A cameraman in the movie industry. Heckman has lived in Hollywood since the early 1970’s and moved into Whitley Heights 10 years ago.
“The general range of prices in Whitley Heights in 1992 begins at between $275,000 to $290,000 for a 1000 square-foot home to one that recently sold for $920,000. That home had seven bedrooms and a ballroom and balcony that could accommodate a 40-piece orchestra – straight from the 20’s,” Sloane said.
Los Angeles Times July 12, 1992